Sunday, March 17, 2013

Welcome to Pro Ana, Pro Perfect

Hello! Welcome to Pro Ana, Pro Perfect. Let me explain some things...

Anorexia is a dangerous disease, and I didn't make this website to glamorize Anorexia or lure healthy girls into the ways of Ana. If you are healthy or a recovering anorexic, please leave this site. If you aren't yet Ana and nothing I say can convince you, please research the symptoms of Anorexia before reading my blog. I am not responsible for anything for anything that may happen to you while living an Ana lifestyle.

So how exactly do you become an Ana girl? Well, it doesn't matter what you look like or how much you weigh. What matters is what you will soon look like and will soon weigh. Ana is the belief that not eating very much will make you loose weight (which it will). Thin is perfect... And you want to be perfect, don't you?

Another thing I'd like to clear up is that I am not perfect... yet. Whenever I read pro Ana sites, I automatically think that the poster or owner of the site is this perfect, beautiful, thin goddess. Well, in case you think that too, I'd like to tell you that I'm not actually thin yet. I'll be going through this with you. Email me at if you need help, tips, anything. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Comment too, if you don't want to email me. I will delete any hate comments (ex: Are you nuts you are going to starve and kill yourself!!!).

One more thing. If you're at a healthy weight after I'm through with you :), please stop reading this blog. You don't need to do this. If you don't want to do that, I'll be making a post about how to stop being Ana, or how to be a less strict Ana.

Stay strong, my new Anas!
Love, Sarah

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